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Contact details for Diving Duckling Cottage

Enquire / Message Owner

Diving Duckling Cottage sleeps 4 guests in 2 bedrooms. Please enquire about children, 2 dogs welcome.

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Independent Cottages recommends that all holiday makers take out holiday cancellation insurance. Before booking, please ensure that you understand and agree to the Owner’s terms & conditions and cancellation policy.

Contact by phone

Jean Edwards on +44(0)1287 660810 or +44(0)7944 388523 or use the enquiry form below...Please mention Independent Cottages!
Verified owners No Booking Fees

Unlike other websites we don't charge you a booking fee. You pay the priced quoted by the owner with no fees added on top.

Verified Owners

All our owners are known to us and have passed our verification process. We do not allow self-registration of properties, meaning that you will only see bonafide cottages from verified owners.

Unique Offers

Our offers are added directly by our owners. We don't share offers on other websites because they add commission or a booking fee; so you won't find these offers anywhere else on the internet.

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Deal directly with the owner or property manager. Benefit from the owners' first-hand knowledge of each property and enjoy greater booking flexibility. Book direct and avoid extra fees.

Independent Cottages

We are proud of our independent status, so in order to offer a greater choice we also represent a small number of specialist, local or niche agencies. All pricing quoted for such properties includes fees charged by the agency meaning that you can book via Independent Cottages knowing you are not paying any extra fees on top of fees.

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